30 Minute or 1 hour packages available

Creative Session


Perfect for graduates looking for some beautiful yearbook photos, models aiming to develop their own catalogue, musicians in search of captivating album artwork, professionals needing business photos, or anyone else looking for quality personal portraits and more.


What packages are available?


Creative sessions come in two packages: a 30 minute session and a 1 hour session.

Pricing and package details vary depending on the package you select.

How much do Creative Sessions cost?


A 30 minute session is an investment of $130, including a booking retainer of $65.

A 1 hour session is an investment of $200, including a booking retainer of $100.

The remaining balance of both packages is due the day of the shoot.

How many pictures will I receive?


You will receive access to all of your photos through a private online gallery.

Clients will be able to select their 10 favorites for immediate download at full resolution.

In addition, clients with 1 hour packages will be able to select 2 pictures for detailed photoshopping.

Can I purchase my entire gallery?



Clients with 30 minute packages can purchase their entire online gallery for an additional investment of $50

Clients with 1 hour packages can purchase their entire online gallery for an additional investment of $85

When can I expect my photos?


We provide a guarantee that you will receive access to your entire online gallery within 14 days of the session.

Can I order prints or canvases of my pictures?


Yes! You will be able to order prints, canvases, holiday cards, and much more directly from your online gallery.

Schedule your creative session today!

Please provide your first & last name

Please make sure you can be contacted through this e-mail

If unknown, leave blank

Please provide as much information as possible, such as desired location(s), outfit changes, who you are, and what you are looking for.